Burj al arab

The Burj Al Arab (Arabic: برج العرب‎, Tower of the Arabs) is a luxury hotel located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Of the tallest hotels in the world, it is the fifth tallest, although 39% of its total height is made up of non-occupiable space. Burj Al Arab stands on an artificial island 280 m (920 ft) from Jumeirah Beach and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge. The shape of the structure is designed to resemble the sail of a ship. It has a helipad near the roof at a height of 210 m (689 ft) above ground.

Price ranges from AED 5000-40000(depends on the type of room&facilities)

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Burj Al Arab


Atlantis, The Palm opened in September 2008, and spans a massive 46 hectares, with 17 hectares of water park alone. Atlantis also features exciting marine and entertainment attractions that the whole family can enjoy, and a collection of world-renowned and award-winning restaurants.

Price ranges from AED 7000-50000(depends on the type of room&facilities)

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